Whenever we do a 2-Day Tournament, there are always at least a dozen different great story lines. This weekend was no exception. We had 20 members in the Bracket Finals, with at total payout of $7543.00. Cascade Bowl was its usual high scoring house. A very balanced leaders list this week, from 27 pins handicap per game, down to a -8 pins a game, with the 27 (Dale Dahlman) almost winning it all. Jon Schneider took the $100 Bonus for being the Top Saturday Qualifier, with a great 1085 and looked like he might hang on thru Sunday to win the Hammer "No-Mercy" ($259) and a new Jacket. But, on a re-entry in the final squad, Gus Ramos Jr. gets lined up and shoots an incredible 1111 to earn the prizes and the #1 seed for the Finals. In the Finals, if Gus Jr. had won his match in the 2nd round, he would have faced his son, Gus III. No such luck, Greg Burdsall takes them both out in successive matches. Greg's match with Gus III in the Quarterfinals was amazing. The luck-of-the-draw puts them on lanes 1 & 2, which was not used during qualifying and is notoriously a tough pair. They both shoot a 159 to force a 9th/10th roll-off. Greg starts with 4-7-10 split in the 9th, but Gus returns the favor with a 7-10 split in the 10th. Greg then goes on to win the Tournament and $1,842.00.
Greg has only won once prior to today. Both wins have come at Cascade Bowl on the wood lanes. But, as much as Greg might like the lanes at Cascade, they are still going to be replaced in May, when their 1.4 million dollar remodel takes place. Greg originally joined the 9-Tap Tour in June 2004 and has been involved with bowling for 15 years. He used a Storm Pearl that he got from Norm Giannusa at Precision Pro Shops to win this one. He plans on spending some of his winnings on some new equipment and the rest goes to his girlfriend Renai, who was on hand to cheer him on Sunday. Greg owns Prestige Tire Co.
Dale Dahlman had an awesome run, that came up just short of a title, taking home $842.00 for 2nd place. Cleve Overall made his first return to the Tour in 2 years and came close finishing tied for 3rd and $340. Also sharing 3rd and $379, was David Kaea who bowls with us when visiting his daughter and grand-daughter in Kent. The Kaea's live in Oahu, Hawaii.
Watch for the Wednesday update for a BIG surprise for Bowlero next week!